At this location you are facing an anti-tank wall
Close to the Gemeentemuseum, there was a sharp kink in the Atlantic Wall where it turned towards Eisenhowerlaan (then known as Stadhouderslaan). As a result, the Catshuis and its grounds survived, although many of the large villas in this part of Zorgvliet had to be demolished.
At this point, the view was of a concrete anti-tank wall. To the left and right, there were gun emplacements camouflaged with painted windows, doors and balustrades and with grass on their roofs. The houses on the Statenkwartier side stood empty or were used to billet members of the military. Slightly further away, level with Prins Mauritslaan, there was an entry point to the militarised zone, protected by dragon’s teeth. Most of the residents of the Statenkwartier had been evacuated and accommodated elsewhere in the district or, if they had no economic ties with The Hague, in other parts of the Netherlands.
After the Second World War, the surviving villas were repaired and the wasteland opposite them was gradually redeveloped to form The Hague’s International Zone.